Monday, January 16, 2012

The Antarctic Racecar

This combination of sled and race car goes on the ice and races with other antarctic race cars on the ice.  This model is the fastest.

Log Cabin

The minifigs love their new log cabin!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Introducing "Corrobla"

Meet the newest villain - Corrobla.  Corrobla has a paper melter and cutter that he uses to cut with and melt the Heroes core to take their powers and call them his own!

Baby Rotor

Baby Rotor focuses on short attacks.  If he focuses on long attacks, he will cry.  He's an enemy.  If the Hero Factory is closed, he can try to go through the roof and steal the quasar from the assembly tower.
His rotor on his back helps him fly.

Rotor -side view    

Rotor -front view