Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Harbor

The Harbor has a lot of cargo that has to be picked up by the truck.  The boat will have to get to the harbor to drop off the cargo (gas).  The crane will have to pick up the cargo and put it into the truck.  The truck will take the gas to the gas station and fill up the gas tank.

The Hubber Car

It can go really fast.  It is really cool, fast and powerful with its super "air venters" that push it forward, left or right.
It can also turn sideways into a construction station.

Here it is:

Side view of "air venters"

On its side, now a "construction station"

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Police Flying Vehicle

This is the police flying vehicle.  It can go 400mph to catch the bad guys before they even think of robbing the bank.  This vehicle has the fastest engine.  The robbers won't be able to run away fast enough.

Here it is:
The flying police vehicle caught 2 robbers wearing ninja masks

Here is the flying vehicle in action.  The sword switch could make the chain go left and right
to make the robbers dizzy and capture them!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lego Soap

It has Legos inside of it.  It is so cute and fun when you walk into the bathroom.  It's fun to wash my hands now.  There are so many fun things to do with Legos.  We can see them because we put them in with clear soap.